
January 21, 2005

Yesterday Ireland went kilometric.  This means that all road signs and speed limit signs are now in kilometers only (previously, the speed limits were in miles and road signs were in either kilometers or miles, depending on local whimsy).  I’m a bit worried about this new national uniformity.  Traveling in Ireland could become too easy.

The first time I traveled in Ireland was in a rental car with two friends, Jane and Larry.  When we landed, at Shannon, at night, in December, Jane and I decided that Larry should handle the drive to our B&B in Ennistymon.  He could be heard muttering about "so-called feminists" as we headed for the car. 

Continue reading “Kilometric”

Into the Blogosphere

January 13, 2005

I start a blog.

Coincidentally, I’ve seen two news stories in the past several days about bloggers who resigned or were fired  from their jobs over their blog content. One was a reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch who resigned after being suspended for using his blog to poke fun at various initiatives sponsored by his employer. These initiatives  included a Christmas "100 Neediest Cases"project of which he noted that some of these cases could be prevented by a "well-placed prophylactic." The other was a Waterstone’s employee in the UK, who was fired after his employers read his blog and its allusions to "Bastardstone’s" and "Evil Boss."

Career Suicide (last item on page,Washington Post, January 10, 2005)
Waterstone’s Sacks Employee Over Blog

Continue reading “Into the Blogosphere”